Besides Having A Sense Of Humor, God Loves A Democracy

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Saturday, 3 October 2020

image for Besides Having A Sense Of Humor, God Loves A Democracy
Democracy is a gift to cherish.

Besides having a sense of humor, God loves a democracy, and don’t kid yourself, four more years of Trump with Barr as his Attorney General and a spineless, complicit Republican Senate with Mitch McConnell at the helm, would have been the end of this dream.

America is a land where dreamers from around the world traveled to find a better future.

God watched, taking the rap from male chauvinists since Adam gave Eve the snake, and God didn’t like how woman, the giver of life, like God, was shoved into the kitchen, the bed, out of the way, without a say, as men continued destroying the world with wars,

Forget the happy endings in Literature. Without a substantial inheritance of her own, a woman's contribution was dismissed, with few rights, and she was never her husband's equal.

Hillary Clinton was the more experienced and better candidate. Still, in the end, the old boys club got together - screw Democracy, men - accepted a win, even if it meant a false win with the assistance of an adversary like Putin. And the winner got a kick start from James Comey announcing the start of a second investigation. Take a look at the graveyard you caused.

God let the experience run as long as she wanted, then said, “Enough! Democracy is a woman. We shall win.”

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