US windbag and all round walking political piss take, Donald Trump, has defended his “mission accomplished” tweet after it was ridiculed by actual media outlets. The same outlets Donald keeps claiming are fake. It always seems odd to us that a man with no political qualifications sits in a political job and calls qualified individuals “fake”. Anyway we digress....
Of course Donald authorised air strikes in Syria to combat the threat of chemical weapons being used on Syrian people. It’s as warped as fuck that the USA (and the UK) can tell people it’s a bad idea to kill Middle Eastern civilians. As their aggregate score must be in the millions by now.
In fact the number one killer in Arabic speaking countries is now “Western Peace Keeping”
Of course if the “mission” was to blow millions and millions of dollars so that the US could blow up a couple of buildings. Then yeah it was definitely accomplished. Surely though the real mission is working with regime, getting aid to refugees and getting displaced families the fuck out of what is a fucking abattoir.
When asked if the strikes would continue, Donald’s erection was certainly peaked at this point, he replied that the US remained “Locked and loaded”. Because we obviously live in a fucking Commando movie. What sort of cunt uses the term “locked and Loaded” when describing the possibility of killing people?
News just in: The “Mission Accomplished” Tweet was actually in relation to Donald managing to record that nights “COPS!”