>visiting>our towns>what our towns have to offer
allwight.web-forums>living>local issues>preserve are heritiges!
Has you of recently taken a jerney through are ILAND? Can you'v have of believe'd the pore repaired roads and, manual covers dug up, in pot-wholes repair's. As for, the period property's, in some towns are where stone has been used ovre the years, really neblected faeces sene. Sore, if these be allured to continewe we will loose ARE GRATE HERETEGE and charmes of what charm we hav lefte.
NIBLICK posted 16 Jun 2009:
No shit Sherlock.
TRIKEFREAK posted 23 Dec 2009:
WHP you preaching to the converted mate. I often ride my recumbent trike between Brighstone and Niton. There are at least 5 properties where the council should "do something" but won't "do anything" being frightened of "big money". The result will be deterioration until they fall down. Then come the inevitable flats and hotels that will never sell in 25 years of laying empty to the coast. Some people find old fridges, Ford Anglias and dead cows appropriate! The old, old story! Until cometh the day when "society" via the council, refuses to sink to the lowest denominator, this island will lose its great charm of what charm it has left to it. Good luck mate you'll need it!
TRIKEFREAK posted 24 Dec 2009:
Merry Christmas NIBLICK! What good offensive comments do escapes me chummy!
TRIKEFREAK posted 24 Dec 2009:
Merry Christmas NIBLICK! What good offensive comments do escapes me chummy!
TRIKEFREAK posted 24 Dec 2009:
Perhaps you would like to offer a constructive opinion NIBLICK!
TRIKEFREAK posted 24 Dec 2009:
That's right NIBLICK. Keyboard warrior! Hide behind your silly NIBLICK name! Loser!
TRIKEFREAK posted 25 Dec 2009:
I'm still waiting NIBLICK!
TRIKEFREAK posted 25 Dec 2009:
Come on NIBLICK! Give me your best shot! See if I can take it!
TRIKEFREAK posted 25 Dec 2009:
NIBLICK? NIBLICK? NIBLICK? NIBLICK YOU LOSER!>living>community events>what's on>noise! noise! noise!
PUCKBOY posted 11 May 2009:
Here we go with The Great Noisy Season again, May Bank Holiday the Thundering Racket of the Hells Angels, and what about These Monkey Bikes the so-called teeny weeny pocket-rockets full of deafening sounds, the Mini Cars like Wasps on Sunday ek setra and, now it's "the festival" Season, the endless so-called "Music Festivals" with their endless explosions and "sonic booms" in our once-placid trembling skie's. Now they have to have firework displays shrieking and ear-splitting the sky's peace all the way to New Years' Eve. Then our little old Poor Island recovers for a month or 2 in Mother Nature's busomm before the Motorcycles Roar through our roads once more Next May.
JIMI posted 11 May 2009:
You'd best get some ear-plugs then because the festival puts the IOW on the map despite all your moans and its hear to stay.
EGGHEAD posted 12 May 2009:
I couldn't sleep for it. I see things in the dark, giant eggs with grinning lips and sarcastic eyes and Elizabethan jackets anyway, but these monkey bikes and the festival doesn't help.
GUBINZ posted 15 May 2009:
What arr munkey bikes? Is it th PGTipss apses?
allwight.web-forums>living>local issues>parking at Culver
1nDiV1d7AL posted 12 Feb 2007:
I live here, I own a dog, I wish to exercise him. Why do I have to pay for parking at Culver when all I want to do is to walk my dog and there are few suitable dog areas to walk him in?
YOUNG GIRL posted 6 Oct 2009:
Why not leave your car at Yaverland it's not far away and also there is good dog land there too.
RETDCOLONEL posted 23 Jan 2010:
Leave your vehicle at home. There is no charge for that. I walk to the shops. Sometimes I take the schnauzer (Wolfgang), sometimes the wife (Muriel) - both walked for no charge. Simple.
GUBINZ posted 11 Feb 2010:
Iz yore wyf a dogg?
allwight.web-forums>living>local issues>our changing island
ISLANDER posted 23 Nov 2009:
Why is it that some "people" seem to ride roughshod over those of us who were bored and razed here? I refear to those who come to Wight and want to pre-serf their pre-sieved "best bitts" and bring the "best bittes" from where they come from where, weather it be London, Glasgaw etc, and take over like with the Festival and all the litter and noise, trafficking. It's not our Island any more.
BILBO posted 29 Nov 2009:
Sorry that you are so troubled by the real world coming to your little isle. Emigrants have always gone and changed the places where they immigrated to. For the better. Time moves on. Had you noticed, it is the 20th century here as everywhere. Smell the coffee cups. USA, New Zealand - all transformed by the new pilgrims. Here too.
ALLAN posted 12 Feb 2010:
I agree about the noise from the festival. Last year my wife was hanging washing out when they did the sound checks. We had 4 days of uninterrupted sleep, that can't be good for you, the dog won't look up at an aireoplane. You couldn't hear what the postman was saying it could have been an emergencie, he might have spotted a miscreant and been unable to signal. They were wareing ear muphs at Little Duxton & Wackland as protestation.
QUININE posted 2 Mar 2010:
Emigrants or immigrants Bilbo Baggins? I think you'll find that the aboriginal people of those countries might disagree with you as to the merits of the changes the settlers have wrought! Is your property within sight and sound of the festival? By the way, did you say 20th century old fruit?
NEWPORTGENT posted 3 Mar 2010:
New Zeeland are good at rugby though! I agree about the aborigunals been exploded, but aren't we all? Look at the adverts in the Isle of Wight News and the car parks at Ryde is a disgrace. Also, look at how much money the didgery-doo makes for Rolf Harris and tell me the aborijinuls aren't spending their prophetss on drink. No wonder they live in hammacks. I've seen the dockeumentries. They'll be bringeing them over here for a slalom next. Don't get me on these slalom seekers we've enough of them in our hottels and shops and my brother works on the fruit farms.
BILBO posted 15 Mar 2010:
I used to live near Heathrow. That's noise, not a bit of music once a year. This is 2010 not 1710. The stage faces down the river Medina. Where are you all living to hear it?
NEWPORTGENT posted 17 Mar 2010:
I call it the "Wight Noise", - gedit! I abject to the prisners getting a free show as well. And the handouts for the dole brigade - if they spend it all on drugs and booze at the festival no wonder they need higher benefit. Thank God for the woman at Envino Mental health who listens to me every day. Don't forget Brian Drain on Radio Mottistone - I sat in an empty bath on the phone to Brian's insumnia line, it was invalued to me. That's your "bit of music" for you. Do you work for a living? I don't but I rember been young and knew people who did. Look after the thruppeny bits and the thrupany bitts will pop out of the pud on Micklmas Day my Nan used to say.
ALLAN posted 18 Mar 2010:
Anyone ever tried to set up a car boot sale? We do car boots
round Yarmouth and Freshwater. You wouldn't believe the regulations. How does the festival get away with it that's what we want to know. They should charge a levy on all their vehicles like they do with car boots. They'd make a bomb.
GUBINZ posted 21 Mar 2010:
Did yew here bout th Muslinz car boot sail? Thay maid a bombb!
ALLWIGHT.WEB posted 21 Mar 2010:
You're banned matey.