LAS VEGAS - (Satire News) - The Las Vegas oddsmakers all agree that there is no way on earth that the orange pussy grabbing asshole (ahh dat be the Trumpturd) will ever occupy the White House again.
Some Vegas oddsmakers are giving 983,000 to 1 odds that Trump will still be a normal, or rather an abnormal private citizen after the 2024 election.
Ivanka has disowned her sperm donor father, Melania said Donaldo is 'fooking toxic,' and Eric (Trump) is thinking about actually supporting Donald Trump's arch enemy Elizabeth Cheney, who says that if brains were nickels, old Don The Liar, would have about 15ยข.
Meanwhile reports coming out of Sing Sing Federal Prison say that the inmates can hardly wait for "Donna" to become just another old, white, racist convict.