Boeing Will Soon Unveil The Fastest Passenger Jet In The Entire World - The Supersonic Wind Chaser Will Cruise At Speeds of 3,000 MPH

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Sunday, 29 May 2022

image for Boeing Will Soon Unveil The Fastest Passenger Jet In The Entire World - The Supersonic Wind Chaser Will Cruise At Speeds of 3,000 MPH
Retired Boeing pilot Capt. Woodmond Lakefish, 83, is coming out of retirement to fly the maiden flight.

PEORIA, Illinois - (Satire News) - The Supersonic Concorde went belly up due to the Trumpapalooza Virus, problems with the on-board compass mechanism, and the fact that it's astoundingly fast speed basically scared the shit out of a lot of seasoned passengers.

But now, the powers-that-be at the Boeing Aerospace Manufacturing Corporation says that it is back - and with a hell-of-a-vengeance that not even people who are over 100-years-old have ever seen.

Company spokesperson Thelma Jo Coolsimmer, 57, stated that their scientific scientists have been working around the clock on the new and improved predecessor to The Supersonic Concorde, which they are calling The Supersonic Wind Chaser.

Cooly, as her ex-husband and hairstylist call her, remarked that passengers will be able to fly from New York City to London in just 47 minutes!

She noted that the tickets will be a bit pricey, but the joy of flying faster than speed will be one of sheer, erotic pleasure (in the flying sense of course).

The Boeing spokeswoman added that the price for a first class ticket will be $125,000, coach will cost $75,000, and standing room only will cost $42,750.

SIDENOTE: Individuals who have already purchased their tickets on the maiden flight include Charles Barkley, Evel Knievel III, Aaron Rodgers and Danica Patrick, Justin Bieber, Ricky Gervais, and hip hop artist Black Kitty Meow Meow.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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