Abort is a term used to stop a plane from a dangerous landing or taking off. We have to abort, is a phrase frequently used in films and television.
Taking off from SFO for a direct flight from San Francisco to London in a relatively new Boeing Triple Seven, a carburetor blew. The Captain didn't announce that he had to abort the flight or say, So what, it's god's way. We're flying to London anyway.
Instead, the Captain explained, "We could fly with one carburetor, but we're going to cross an ocean, and it's better to have two carburetors."
Who knew?
A missing carburetor is like an unwanted pregnancy. Yes, you might survive, but wouldn't it be saner to use science and make an intelligent decision?
Pro-life old white men should be able to relate to the danger of a one carburetor flight across an ocean. But would any Supreme Court justice prefer his wife or daughter to risk their life on a one carburetor flight across an ocean? Or would they choose to follow the science god has provided?
Pregnancy is a woman's health care issue. Who goes to the Supreme Court for permission to have a tooth extracted? Don't claim pregnancy is a human life. It isn't living life until it can exist outside of a body.
No one says skydiving or parachuting from a plane is aborting a plane. Aborting is a harsh term. Reversing the words would be more accurate. For example, women who cancel a pregnancy are Pro-their-life and health. Others are Pro-aborting the rights and freedoms of a woman's health.
The Triple Seven had to dump fuel over the Pacific, land back at SFO, took about twenty minutes to replace the carburetor, but well over an hour to refuel the plane.
The flight continued and landed with ease in London.
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