If Monkeys Take Over US Elections Will Monkeys Be Elected?

Funny story written by K.C. Bell

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

image for If Monkeys Take Over US Elections Will Monkeys Be Elected?
"We took your vote away and now we're in. Thanks!"

The big question: If monkeys take over US elections, will a monkey be elected?

Short answer? Yes.

Holy hell! The monkeys are coming. Can Canada help the US, or can Mexico? Where’s the Supreme Court? The FBI? Hey, CIA, are you there? Can you do anything? Hello?

The Chief Monkey Director, changing voting regulations, making it more difficult if not impossible to vote, is 2020 loser, bone spur king, draft dogger, pussy grabber, porn payer, Putin pal, insurrectionist, tax evader, thrice-married I do, I do, I do, Donald Trump.

So go figure!

George Washington must be turning in his grave, same with James Madison and the other founding fathers, along with every American soldier who died fighting to protect the democracy of the United States.

The monkeys are coming. The monkeys are here.

Why are reasonably intelligent Republican men and women in the House and Senate shaking in their collective boots, fearing the Chief Monkey Director? To be more specific: the Chief Orange Monkey Director.

They're shaking in their boots because the Chief Orange Monkey has followers who will vote them out of office if they were to say, “No."

They fail to notice. They already lost their office. They care more about keeping their title than their integrity. They scrapped the Constitution and only maintained allegiance to Donald Trump.

Fasten your seat belts.

The monkeys think they're coming.

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The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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