The annual 'Running of the Bulls' bull run in the Spanish city of Pamplona got off to a disappointing start today when absolutely nobody - not a single person - was killed.
The event is a major attraction for the city, with morbid spectators taking a week off from watching ambulances treating the injured at car crashes, earthquake relief operations, mudslides caused by flooding, building collapses and the like, to come and see frightened people getting tossed into the air by frantic bulls, and perhaps even getting stuck on their horns.
Today's run saw only three people gored, although one was in the neck, which will have been spectacular.
Animal Rights campaigners protested, but nobody took any notice, even the bulls.
Some of the bulls met a local 'runner', later. The runner asked:
"How did you enjoy today's run? You know, we're both in the entertainment business."
One bull replied:
"I think that, at some point, we both have to take responsibility for our actions."
Another said:
"Well, you know, it's a job, and in this day and age, we're lucky to have a job."
And a third said, angrily:
"If I'm still alive tomorrow, I'm going to try to gore some fucker right through the brain."