Chris Whine was living up to his name, as he whined (again) that no one takes him seriously as an actor. “I should have won an Academy Award, or at least an Enema,” he complained, “for my latest role, as an asshole, in the made-for-TV movie, Double Standard, which aired on the Diznee Channel.
“I go naked—completely naked—letting it all hang out,” he bitched, “and who gets all the press? Florence Phew, that's who!”
Phew also showed half her “charms,” Whine whined, “and she, not me, got all the attention. It's as though no one wants to see a dick, but everyone just loves seeing tits and ass. It's not fair!”
The script for Whine's next movie, Tool, in which he plays a prick, also calls for “the full monty,” he said. “It's why I agreed to do the flick. This time, my co-star stays fully clothed: it's a CFNM picture.”
“Clothed female, nude male—it's a femdom thing, I think,” Whine explained. “In addition to being naked ninety-nine percent of the time, I get pegged. If I don't get an award for this pubic display, I think I'll have a sex change.”