Miley Cyrus Says Megyn Kelly Makes Ebenezer Scrooge Seem Like Mother Teresa

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

image for Miley Cyrus Says Megyn Kelly Makes Ebenezer Scrooge Seem Like Mother Teresa
89 percent of the American people feel that Megyn Kelly should resign or be fired.

HOLLYWOOD - Miley Cyrus has stated that FOX News reporter Megyn Kelly needs to grow a pair and apologize to the American people for making her ignorant remark about jolly old St. Nick being white.

The former Hannah Montana star told Hollywood Innuendo's Fajita San Guacamole that the husky-voiced reporter makes Ebenezer Scrooge look like Mother Teresa.

Cyrus added that only a middle-aged member of Sarah "Snowflake" Palin's Tea Bag Party would stoop so low as to make such a pathetically heartless and callously cruel remark.

As one gentleman from Bowling Green, Kentucky so astutely pointed out, "Santa Claus is the color of each family's father."

Reports are that The Amalgamated Data Gathering Agency has stated that they took a poll and 89 percent of the people say that Megyn Kelly should either resign or be fired.

ADGA stated that 3 percent of the poll responders replied that they did not care one way or the other and 8 percent are atheists who agreed with "Saggy Belly" Kelly as Vice-President Joe Biden calls her.

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