WASHINGTON, D.C. - Well it appears that the FOX News talking head, Megyn Kelly, AKA Blondie, may have stuck her size 9½ high heel in her pretty little mouth.
Those comments came from Savannah Bamboo, a reporter with Political Salad Bar Magazine.
Miss Bamboo further noted that Kelly's remark that Santa Claus is white has infuriated millions of holiday-celebrating Americans.
Long time Harlem Santa Claus LeShawntrell Jefferson stated, "Say, now who da hell duzz dis here white chick old woman think she be, aflappin' her skinny lips and sayin' dat Santa Claus be white. Hell I be Santa Claus and I be as black as dat Opera Wintry woman."
[EDITOR'S NOTE: I'm sure that Mr. Jefferson meant to say Oprah Winfrey.]
President Obama was appalled at the extremely insensitive remark made by the deep-voiced Kelly.
The president has instructed Vice-President Joe Biden to investigate Mrs. Kelly's UnAmerican remark and see if there is something more to the story.
Kelly has said that she was just joking - kinda like a knock-knock joke.
SIDENOTE: Megyn "Foot-In-Mouth" Kelly has also allegedly said that the Tooth Fairy is gay and that the Easter Bunny has rabies.