The nation's top crime family wants to buy The Statue of Liberty

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Saturday, 27 May 2023

image for The nation's top crime family wants to buy The Statue of Liberty
The Goombalini boss says money is no object.

Reports filtering out of Brooklyn are that the Salvatore Goombalini crime family is looking to purchase the Statue of Liberty.

Reporter Carmine Calatino with The New York Sunshine Observer said that he spoke with crime boss Salvatore Goombalin in the back room of an Olive Garden restaurant.

As the two enjoyed a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, Sal confided in Carmine about his grand plan to acquire Lady Liberty.

Sal divulged that he wants to own it so that he can offer free admission to the famous monument for the poor little kids of New York City and New Jersey.

However, in his relentless pursuit of the truth, Calatino has unearthed an alarming revelation — the construction of the clandestine Lady Liberty Casino, nestled cunningly within the statue's majestic crown.

Goombalin's audacious scheme, envisions enlisting the local children as croupiers and cocktail servers who fleece the unsuspecting gamblers.

In Other News: The category 5 hurricane that was heading from the Lesser Antilles towards Key West, Florida has veered to the left and is now heading towards Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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