Richard Madeley - My Fake Diary

Monday, 1 December 2003

bad news fact fans, it wasnt actually sushi that we were eating in prison, oh well summat to tell the grand kiddies.

we've got ricky gervais on the show this week and if judy ruins it for me by prentending that its embarrasing how i haress the guests, she wont have a hand to poke in her eye.

ive been working on my stand up routine, ive bought my self a spangly jacket and a top hat, they love a bit of quirk. im sure some of the material about the japanese jail will go down well, it always does. not with them japans though their touchy buggers.

sianara, just a little somethin i picked up at the jail, along with a few STD's (there i go again, every time i open my mouth comedy spues out)

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