Osama bin Laden - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Dear Diary,

We have been busy organizing the first "Jihad Aid" that will run for two days on Al-Jazeera next Spring.

Yusuf Islam (Cat Stevens) has been getting people together and he himself will perform over three hundred songs with a personal plea for our young men and women to not only give money, but their lives in a good cause, plus they get those 72 virgins.

By the way, most people do not know that the women martyrs also get 72 young vegeterian male virgins who will style their clothes, listen for hours and hours of your talking about relationships, do your nails and hang out at the mall.

Remember to tune in. I promise you that the Dancing Mullahs have a brand new dance that will thrill us all, as usual.


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