George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Dear Diary, W. Here.

I've done my ding-dong dangliest to solve this Palestintling and Hebraeli thing-a-ma-bob. They'll never get along with their attitudes.

(Laura brought me a dictionary) These people see who can get to their seat at the table first so they can pull the chair out from the under the other so he busts his ass when he tries to sit down.

So I started falling on my ass first to get that out of the way.

Then the Plaestine guy talks while the Israeli sits there mumbling "schmuch, dolt, schlemiel" which are not words in this dictionary but I called Keysanger.

Next the Israeli guy talks something important-sounding stuff and I look around and the Palestine schemiel is on his knees in the chair showing his ass.

I wish they'd keep their religious worship ceremonies until after they talk. But then the Palestine guy farts and the Israeli lites it and we all break up to go clean ourselves up.

Good luck Balack Osama. W.

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