George W. Bush - My Fake Diary

Tuesday, 31 March 2009

March Last, 2009

Dear Diary,

W. Here.

My new neighbor is finally gone. For a long time, I hope.

Ever since yesterday he's been walking around dressed in a big diaper with a blown up surgical glove on his head and wearing frog feet. He'd stop every few minutes and crow really loud.

Sometime's he'd yell, "I'm Dan Quayle and attempt to coo like a quail. It's a good thing Cheney wasn't here.

He threw kisses to me as the police took him away. A long way, I hope.

He left two notes for me I guess because they had "For George W. Bush" on them and I'm the only George W. Bush around here.

One note said: To my good friend and neighbor I leave this Autobiography of Ronald Reagan by Nancy Reagan.

The second one stated: "Remember, The New York City Street Vendors are the only place to get good deep-fried sewer bass."

I think I'll be able to go to sleep peacefully tonight. He was worse than that Al Franken Stein nutcase.


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