Donald Trump - My Fake Diary

Monday, 21 December 2015

December 21, 2015
Dear Diary,
I've been reading about myself in The Spoof today.

I find there is a lot of nasty comments about me.

But I'm used to that. People have always been unfriendly.
And, that's understandable considering the things I say.

I'm one hell-uva jerk. I alienate people left and right. The democrats don't like me nor do the republicans.

But I know and don't care.

I like the excitement of getting people all messed up. So I'm going to humiliate people and do the demagogue thing.

But it's lonely at the top, fighting off those do-gooders.

Thank God I'm the Donald.

Having billions doesn't hurt.

And I'm no dumb idiot like Gates giving away his money to charity.

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