Barack Obama - My Fake Diary

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Dear Diary - My State of The Union Address was simply fantastic. I received lots and lots of standing ovations, some way to go bro's, and a fist bump from a fine looking blonde lady as I was leaving the senate chamber.

Joey Biden told me that I hit it out of the park. My Michelle remarked that on about 19 occasions it looked like the speaker of the house, John "Crybaby" Boehner was going to nod off and bump his head.

She said that old Stone Face has got to be the coldest stick-in-the-mud in the entire country. He did not smile once all night.

I wish that the camera had zoomed in on Joey and shown his happy-go-lucky, beer-drinking, hamburger-eating face.

Letterman and Leno both called and invited me to their shows.

President Barack Obama

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