Putin and Kim Jong-Un Set Up Play Date Without Inviting Trump

Funny story written by Al N.

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

image for Putin and Kim Jong-Un Set Up Play Date Without Inviting Trump
"We have so much fun together!" said Trump. "I hope Vlad brings the clown nose!"

Mar-A-Lamo, FL President Trump is waiting by the phone ever since he found out the leaders of North Korea and Russia are scheduling secret meetings behind his back.

"It's probably just a misunderstanding. I know Kim and Vlad probably invited me, but you know how these invitations go. Mine probably got lost in the secret mail. I know they'll call. Or it could all be a big practical joke. Oh those guys! That's what it is! A big joke! It must be!" cried Trump.

"I wonder if they don't realize I didn't get an invitation. We all got along so well that I know they wouldn't have a shindig without ME!" trumpeted Trump.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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