White House To Create Russian Bedroom For Putin Visit Tweets Trump

Funny story written by JinoLeFeeto

Saturday, 21 July 2018

image for White House To Create Russian Bedroom For Putin Visit Tweets Trump
Russian Room Planned in White House For Putin's visit

Donald Trump continued to add to the Russian Twilight Zone in Washington D.C. by tweeting earlier today that a Russian Themed bedroom will soon be ready for "Vlady" at the White House.

"The White House would be Vlady's second home, or maybe his tenth or eleventh, I hear he has a few." #White Russian in D.C!"

Sarah Huckleberry Sanders stated in a press briefing, "The President didn't mean "would" be Vlady's second home, he meant to Tweet "wouldn't". I think it is very easy to see how he could make such a mistake."

Sanders then started to take questions but then faked a heart attack requiring the room to be cleared. This was the third such episode Sanders has had in the past week.

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