Italy Outlaws The Use of The Word Mafia

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

image for Italy Outlaws The Use of The Word Mafia
A group of Italians in Naples celebrating the banning of the word 'Mafia.'

ROME - Pasquale Pettigolezzo, a reporter with The Daily Vino has just stated that Italy has passed a law that it says it should have passed years ago.

Pettigolezzo said that the Italian Senate voted unanimously to ban the use of the word Mafia.

He commented that the Italian government wants to put an end to that negative word once and for all.

It was brought out that when people of other countries hear the word Mafia they immediately think of Italy or Brooklyn.

An unnamed Italian Mafioso, who resides in Genoa, remarked that he is glad to hear of the banning of the word because that way the Mafia will be able to continue doing business without getting all of the bad publicity.

SIDENOTE: The Italian government has said that the word Syndicate will be allowed to be substituted for the M word.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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