The darling of the tea party movement, who has yet to decide if she is going to put herself forward for the republican race for the White House, has said she finally has found a way to channel her anger at Barack Obama which is worse now than when he stole the race in 2008.
The recent downgrading of the triple AAA rating of her country is the latest in a catalogue of hardship and turmoil that she feels his communist friends have inflicted on her beautiful country. She tweeted yesterday afternoon that she has bought a black dildo which she named after the president ("this uses as a double AA battery which is where Obama is sending the country and of course is foreign made", she adds). Moderates and other republicans have asked if this is a joke. However Palin again has shown her doubters that she knows how to reach out to people that are turned off by career politicians, as these tweets have strengthened her support among tea party supporters and also in republican heartlands.
Satirist and comedians have struggled throughout his presidency to find a sustainable way to mock Obama, some say he is protected by his friends in the liberal media who only make gentle jokes while continuing to demean everyone on the right. Those same people are now questioning why Palin bought a 14 inch dildo. What about her husband commentators are asking, how can he now compete with Obama in the bedroom?
Palin followers are unanimous in their support for her, attacking the critics who questioned the sexual degradation of Obama. On forums and tweets they were quick to point out that it was an easy mistake to buy a 14 inch dildo as it was European model so she thought she was buying the metric system, expecting 14cm. They also attacked the cruel 'sexist jokes' which they feel show how the 'liberal fundamentalists' are trying to hijack and debase a valid point that is being made and show no shame in using a woman's sexuality to undermine Palin with childish attacks.
So has the tide turned in this stroke of genius, in which the president has been reduced to being referred to as a black dildo? Some decry this as pure and simply racist and demeaning, and others that politics have hit a new low.
Further tweets and also in her blog, Palin reveals how this dildo moment is a way to make a stand at the man who has sold their country to the highest third world bidders and made it a breeding ground for crazies. Palin decided that Obama or Osama as she liked to call him, deserved nothing better than to be reduced to a dildo to service her and this is what Obama should be remembered for, as he has screwed this beautiful country of hers. She suggested that shining her shoes was too good for him even back in 2008 but now well a sex toy was just about all her was worthy of. This is his legacy in her eyes, there will be no tears in her eyes when he hopefully leaves office, which she is certain of and prays for every day.
Where did Palin get this idea? The brain wave hit her when she saw a retweet of the film Nail Palin. Why couldn't someone do a film of Obama, as she felt one of his homies must be in the porn industry and that man's ego is so big he'd want to have a good porno with the best thug in town. Then she thought 'I am going to Nail Obama myself'. In Palin's eyes everyone who has had information on Obama's secret links to dark forces of the enemies of the USA has been silenced with careers in Hollywood or the Middle East with his cousins and sheikhs. So it was left to people like her to pick up the baton, or the dildo in this case and fight back.
In a move that may seem that may seem controversial for some, Palin continued that she was trying to get some light relief from the dark clouds that are encircling her country and tweeted, "I'll show you what black power is all about Obama."
This morning the tweets all dried up from Palin and her office was unavailable for comment. Many supporters gathered early this morning dressed up as black dildos outside the White House, others outside media organisations that have condemned Palin. Some of her followers are saying her account has been hacked whilst others saying this shows how she is ahead of the rest of the political elite who are corrupted by the closed minded gentleman's club nature of Washington DC politics; they feel Palin is tackling a taboo subject in a humourous way but which tells the truth.
Others loyal Palin tweet followers rushed out to buy black dildos inspired by her powerful message, posting clips of their new dildo Obama and how they have used it to begin the fight back to save their country. Some midwest sex shops have asked for extra deliveries as these models are not normally popular and some are asking for extra staff to help with all the requests. Other campaigners are setting up stalls to help sell dildos to those who feel ashamed to go to somewhere sordid to get one. Some opportunists have been selling white dildos that have been painted black in areas where there are no sex toys of colour and there are even sales on Ebay of second hand ones which is being condemned as unsafe. So the popularity of this message is clear, the sales speak for themselves.
Comments on Twitter feeds seem to agree that because of their new friend, they were no longer scared of Obama and others are saying it gives them confidence to say enough is enough, stop screwing our country. Mary, a Cosy Tea Party Sipper said, "I can finally look at images of Obama on the TV, I just see a big black dildo and I know I can swallow whatever he gives now. He is no danger to me." Another commented that he and his wife were sick and tired of Obama screwing his values and his hard fought freedoms; thanks to Palin's idea, they finally have a way to begin feeling safe in their home.
Is this the start of a new movement now that the fear factor has gone? Palin supporters will want her to go all the way to the White House on the back of this powerful statement.
The White House was unavailable for comment. Dildo makers are producing extra black versions, predicating a surge in demand in the next few days, and there are calls coming in from Europe and beyond from expats.