Turkey Hot Dogs Replace Traditional Turkey at Many American Tables

Funny story written by Charpa93

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

image for Turkey Hot Dogs Replace Traditional Turkey at Many American Tables
Happy Thanksgiving!

The downturn in the nation's economy has many American families cutting corners, especially when it comes to buying food for their families. Thanksgiving favorites for some families this year will be missing from the festive tables and replaced by more modest foods.

For instance, instead of a turkey with stuffing and all the trimmings, some families have decided to settle for turkey hot dogs stuffed with cheese and/or jalapeno peppers. Instead of cranberry relish, sweet or dill relish will accompany the turkey franks.

"It's not ideal by any means," claims Wanda Doomore, "but times are tough and being able to sit down in our own homes to have Thanksgiving dinner beats going to a soup kitchen anytime."

The thing Wanda claims she'll miss more than anything is the pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Unfortunately, it costs too much money to buy the ingredients to bake a pie, and pies at the store are overpriced. This year, for dessert, the family is just going to have to settle for pumpkin flavored Little Debbie snack cakes.

All in all, Wanda says it's the family getting together that is more important than the food, although having real butter to put on the yams, she said, would have been nice.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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