Gay Man With Enormous Penis Refused Entry Into US Army

Funny story written by Gay Larry

Sunday, 10 October 2010


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image for Gay Man With Enormous Penis Refused Entry Into US Army
"Look men! The guys cock was at least this long!"

A man in Texas who tried to enlist in the US Army, has been told he is unsuitable for the role because of the length of his ENORMOUS PENIS.

Larry Sabu, 20, who is an active homosexual and PROUD OF IT, contacted the Brownsville recruitment office and was invited down for an interview and analysis after spouting off much patriotic bullshit as he thought was necessary to get him through the doors of the establishment.

After much form-filling, however, it all began to go wrong for the strapping lad, when the evaluator asked him to remove his trousers for a simple medical examination.

"The doc took one look at my dick, and had to sit down," says Larry. "It must have been a bit of a shock!"

Larry was ushered out of the building by MPs who were summoned after the doctor activated an emergency alarm. Several days later, he received a letter through the post asking him to phone a special number, which he did.

Larry: "They told me that I wasn't suitable due to the length of my appendage. They said it would be a hideous distraction for the other men, who would probably want to fondle it, or give it a long juicy suck. I'm appalled at their attitude - that's exactly why I tried to join up in the first place!"

Larry is going to try the US Navy next, and then the Air Force.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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