It's the U S of Gay!

Funny story written by Jen

Thursday, 5 August 2010


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Slebs in California were out en masse today celebrating the breaking news that Proposition 8 has been abolished and same sex marriage is now legal.

In the country where the question "Do you mind if I bum a fag?" receives a slightly different reaction to over here in the UK, the result triggered spontaneous parties up and down the state.

A presumably heterosexual bystander commented "Well, it doesn't surprise me overly - they're everywhere these days aren't they - I blame Elton John..." He added "As long as they don't make it compulsory I don't really care... They're not making it compulsory are they?"

Well done America, you are seriously close to being as tolerant as good old Blighty. All you need to get the hang of now is irony and the UK will be all but redundant.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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