Minnesota, MN - In response to a $100,000k+ fine imposed on the chain for discriminating against a differently-abled individual at their Mall of America branch, a US fashion chain has dedicated an entire line of clothing for those suffering with disabilities.
"Our new fall fashions include the most up-to-date burlap sackware, for those of us who want to flaunt our disabilities in style," explains marketing director Jane Tallandplain.
"If the burlap sacks aren't enough, we've also allowed our customers to accessorize with these fashionable yellow armbands, meant to symbolize hope. In addition to the armbands, we're offering these environmentally-friendly brown paper bags for our customers to wear over their heads.
"This type of problem has been plaguing the clothing industry for years, but we hope our recent steps to remedy the issue will serve as a final solution to the problem."