The Ku Klux Klan, a long-standing and often revered terrorist organization throughout much of American history, welcomed Barack Obama as the first half-White president-Elect of the US of A! Hate group watchers were initially shocked by the Klan's pro- Obama stance.
Klan spokes person( and we use that term loosely) Bernie Cross insisted that Barack Obama is not black: " He's mulatto and mulatto is the new white in the black, brown,yellow, red, off white melange of today's impure America.The boy Barack fortunately was raised by white people and so his genetics have been blessed with fity pah cent white genes and his envi-Ron-ment was almost all-white!What ever porch monkey shenanigans the Mulatto House on Pennsylvania Ave will suffer from front lawn pig roasts to Easter Watermelon rolling contests, let us remember how white this so called black man is!