President-elect Barak Obama loses no time in choosing new cabinet

Funny story written by Steddyeddy

Thursday, 6 November 2008

image for President-elect Barak Obama loses no time in choosing new cabinet

With only ten weeks to go until president-elect Barak Obama takes over at the White House from current incumbent George Privethedge, many people thought he might be a bit undecided regarding his cabinet.

However, he has lost no time in preparing himself, and was seen with his wife and two children, tape measures in hand, measuring up the oval office for his impending arrival.

Mr Obama has chosen a nice glass and mahogany effet cabinet from the "FnarlShtarl" range at IKEA.

In the part of his acceptance speech which wasn't on autocue and broadcast to the electorate, he said that he wanted a multi-function cabinet that could not only accommodate his trophies, but also his stationery, his wife's best china, a pull-down bed for late nights and of course, a selection of hot and cold drinks.

He also wanted the cabinet to be scratch-resistant in anticipation of any visits by Sarah Palin.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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