McCain Lieberman, Dancing with the Stars

Funny story written by Spoofian

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

image for McCain Lieberman, Dancing with the Stars
Wanna dance?

Senator McCain once again suspended his campaign to be featured on "Dancing with the stars". His partner of choice, Senator Lieberman. The theme of the evening had strong homosexual overtones, "Never leave your buddy's behind".

Both McCain and Lieberman fired up the dance floor and received high marks by all judges taking them to the next round. Next week also has a homosexual theme, "Get on your knees for me".

Minutes after winning the first round McCain stated, "I did not hesitate to put America first to show that both Lieberman and I support those among us who have been belittled and ridiculed long enough. Being the maverick that I am, I wanted to show our voters this life style is O.K. If two distinguished Senators like Lieberman and myself can come out with it, then we can put all this gay bashing nonsense behind us."

Lieberman was beside himself and overjoyed with the anticipation of going to the next round. Lieberman stated, "We have stuck it behind eachother through thick and thin, even when those among us second guessed us. All I have to say is McCain is more then my dance partner, he is my maverick, he is my hero."

Shortly after the dance competition Governor Palin released a statement from the campaign office which stated, "We hope the liberal media does not twist the wholesomeness of this innocent partnership between friends. Ya know even Joe Six-pack and NASCAR Dads can let loose every once in a while".

The national media later found through a leak within the Champaign that this was a desperate attempt to win over the gay vote. An insider within the McCain Campaign who wished to be anonymous stated, "Our dwindling poll numbers are making us resort to anything. McCain and Lieberman are not really gay. Lieberman owed McCain a political favor, a big one."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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