Palin Leaves McCain Campaign Due to His Past Association with Murderous Communists

Funny story written by mgoosen

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

image for Palin Leaves McCain Campaign Due to His Past Association with Murderous Communists
Palin denounces McCain's past association with communists

Anchorage - In a shocking development, Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin announced she was leaving the McCain presidential ticket because she had just read in a newspaper that John McCain had spent over five years as the guest of a group of communists responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans.

"I gotta say, it sure did take me by surprise. I just had ta leave the ticket when I picked up a newspaper and read that my runnin' mate had spent five years in a Hilton Hotel as the guest of communists, with free room and board. Not only that, apparently they encouraged him to leave after a year but he wanted to stay on, and did so, for another four years. To top it off, I've heard tell that these same gosh-darned commies were responsible for the killin' of tens of thousands of Americans. Now what kind of shout out is that for our third graders to be hearin'."

Update: After being told that Sen McCain's stay in North Vietnam had been as a prisoner of war, Governor Palin issued an update to her statement that simply said: "Never mind".

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