McCain 's Bladder Bursts After 90 Minute Presidential Debate!

Funny story written by Pointer

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

image for McCain 's Bladder Bursts After 90 Minute Presidential Debate!
McCain left Debate early after climbing the wall to take a piss

In a scientific study of seventy year old males and urine retention, brave John McCain agreed to see what would happen if he refused a potty break during the second 90 minute Presidential debate.

While forty something Barry O strutted his stuff with no sign of discomfort, seventy- three year old John McCain was seen to nervously fret and dance his way across the Belmont College stage.

Every older bladder in the TV audience got it as they excused themselves from the proceedings to visit the porcelain princess.

Post debate polls showed that Obama won the debate on content but McCain held his own on resisting incontinence! That is until he rushed out of the post debate handshaking to do some desperate handwringing on John's way to the John. That's when the bladder burst!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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