McCain Forgets Piles Pillow at Debate # 2; Spends Contest Doing the Tennessee Waltz!

Funny story written by Pointer

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

image for McCain Forgets Piles Pillow at Debate # 2; Spends Contest Doing the Tennessee Waltz!
McCain during Proctologist's exam

Repub Candie John McCain spent much of his second debate with Barack Obama nervously pacing across the stage at Belmont College in Nashville, Tennessee.

While McCain delivered his responses to the town hall audience that looked more like zombies than southern townies, Obama remain seated in the novel 21st century style of democratic politicians.

When Barry O's turn came to hold forth on the questions TV cameras seemed not able to avoid the nervous and even distracting pacing of McCain. At first it seemed to be a clever strategem or maybe a tactic concocted by the Naval Academy grad who managed to achieve the third lowest place in his graduating class.

As the fretting and strutting across the stage continued, most observers abandoned the idea that this frenetic behavior had anything to do with intelligent design.

The solution to the mystery finally came from McCain's proctologist, Hynee Swollen: "John forgot his piles pillow , otherwise known as the Hemorrhoid Helper, the poor ole fella couldn't sit with any comfort for more than a middle income coffee break..."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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