McCain Wears Garter Belt During Debate

Funny story written by Jim Banana

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

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Nashville. During the TV-debat McCain wore under his suit red lingerie and a red garter belt with black nylons belonging to Sarah Palin.

After the TV-debat, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, chief McCain psychiatric advisor, admitted that the strange way of walking of John McCain was caused by the "lucky" lingerie of Sarah Palin he wore.

"John normally wears fancy undies of Paris Hilton, but tonight Sarah persuade him to wear her own lingerie ... because that brings luck and ease, and holds magic", he said. "So John did. However the size was a bite tight, and that gave John some unexpected pressure, that's why some of John smiles looked kind of artificial. Mentally it was a boost of confidence for John since he felt the intimate presence of Sarah, and with that secret backing power he was able to vigorous attack that Obama guy and win gloriously this important debate."

Finally Holtz-Eakin said that the GOP candidates have more secret weapons of this kind. Rumors go that in Wasilla the SAA (Secret Alaska Army), the militant arm of Alaskan Independence Party, got hands on three panties of Michelle Obama and that SAA will perform the voodoo-like Yupik ritual - known as the "burning ice ass" - on them.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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