In a move that has surprised the hell out of 96.3% of all Republicans who worshipped the ground that Trump's 367-pound body trampled on, the US Supreme Court has voted 7-2 to prohibit him from running for the office of the presidency.
SCOTUS stated that there is just no way in hell that they will stand by and condone a man who is a tax evader, a bigot, a hate-monger, a convicted sexual abuser, a draft dodger, a racist, a pathological liar, and a self-confessed "pussy grabber", just to name eight out of thousands of evil shit, to run for the highest office in the land.
Trump, needless to say is one very angry, upset, bitter, depressed son-a-bitch, who is so despondent at the ruling that close friends fear he may OD on Big Macs and Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer.
Watch out for Trump on the next season of Cops, only on Fox Nation.