Sen. Lindsay "Sidesaddle" Graham Says Trump Needs $91 Million To Pay His Lawyers So He Won't Go to Prison

Funny story written by Abel Rodriguez

Friday, 31 March 2023

image for Sen. Lindsay "Sidesaddle" Graham Says Trump Needs $91 Million To Pay His Lawyers So He Won't Go to Prison
"Graham is an asshole - Trump needs money like the Sahara Desert needs sand." -LIZ CHENEY

WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Spoof News) - Sen. Lindsay Graham, who is kind of on the Effeminate Side is now begging GOPers and GOPettes to donate money to the new "Keep Our Wonderful, Kind, Non-Pussy Grabber, Non-Nazi, Non-Tax Evader Trump From Going To Prison With Lots and Lots of Poor People." Fund.

Graham, who has a definite swish and sway to his walk, not to mention a bit of a lisp, actually cried and said that his tears are real and he wants Trump's base to come out and donate $1,000, $5,000, or even $10,000, so Trumpy can pay his attorneys and so he can continue playing golf every day, and eating 10 Big Mac burgers daily.

Graham said that Donald is basically an honest, kind, caring, individual who simply fell prey to the evil machinations from the likes of Rudy "The Swamp Creature" Giuliani, Kellyanne "The Human Scarecrow" Conway, Steve "Pizza Face" Bannon, and even his soon-to-be-daughter-in-law, Kimberly "Deep Throat" Guilfoyle. ■

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