BIRMINGHAM, Alabama - (Satire News) - The GOP publication GOPicky Magazine writes that the state that voted for the Trumpass more than any other state (Alabama) has totally flipped against the Orange Blimp, that be DJT.
GOPicky writer Tabitha Wishywater notes that a recent QuinniPinni Poll shows that the once millions of Alabamians who revered Old Thunder Hips now hate his ass as much as the wonderfully beautiful Liz Cheney does.
Wishywater noted that ONLY three (3) people in "The Land of Cotton" say that they STILL like Trump and that they will be voting for the Perverted Nazi Pussy Grabber. Tabitha notes that the three individuals are all atheists.
The writer notes that the three bat shit crazy lowlifes are Nona Chumpitty of Burnt Corn, Alabama, and Fritz and Ida Klutzheimer of Crapola Creek, Alabama.
Info guru Jeff Cohen did some investigating and he learned that Miss Chumpitty, who is a fat, ugly 91-year-old 'old maid' dropped out of school in the first grade and Fritz and Ida are actually first cousins who had seven children whose combined IQ's total 71. ■