Banksy reveals real reason why Trump lost the 2020 election

Funny story written by Absolute Bull

Tuesday, 13 April 2021

image for Banksy reveals real reason why Trump lost the 2020 election
Even a rat has more sense to use a mask. Courtesy Banksy.

There is a plethora of reasons why Trump lost the election to Sleepy Joe. Some of them hinge on the premise that Donald was always ‘awoke’-- playing golf, clapping his hands applauding himself, drinking Coke and munching burgers, watching his on-and-off loyalists on Fox News, developing a plump thumb twittering abuse, playing the accordion when lecturing the press corps at the White House, stumbling down ramps and signing off Executive Orders that invalidated all previous Executive decisions that carried Obama’s signature.

Most common-sense commentators would agree that Covid 19 really sunk Trump’s prospects to win in 2020. After all, half a million Americans (spouses, siblings, parents, children, and grandparents) lost their lives and millions more were infected by the ‘hoax’ that would disappear with a wave of his hand. Without an ounce of sympathy.

Trump was immune to the hoax virus and refused to wear a mask. He was lucky that a few privileged people like him could be rushed to Walter Reed which has state-of-the-art medical facilities. Unfortunately, there was no room for thousands of other Covid victims who had no WHO (White House Occupant) credentials.

“Wear a mask,” said Fauci. “Don’t listen to an idiot scientist,” contradicted Doctor Donald Know-all. And the faithful heard him and ripped off their masks and hugged each other and were rushed to hospital.

Why did Trump refuse to wear a mask? And thus send a deadly message of irrational behavior to his mob.

Talkshow hosts on Fox News whipped up the frenzy that Trump was untouchable and immune. That the grim statistics were fake news cooked up by Democrats.

But the real reason was that Trump had a Big Mouth, and if he wore a mask at his rallies, it would be hard to make out what he was saying. So off came the mask, revealing King Pinocchio sporting the largest proboscis in US election history. A total of 30,573 false or misleading claims over four years. Observers remarked that his intake of Big Macs and gallons of Diet Coke so preoccupied the Big Mouth that falsehoods averaged a mere 21 a day.

Unsurprisingly, Trump lost the election fair and square. He tried to steal it back with more false claims, Fox News mendacity, Legal Prevaricators, and a mob of terrorists. And the courts stopped the Steal-It-Back.

All because Trump did not wear a Mask. As Banksy, the world’s most famous unidentified street artist said: “If you want to say something, and have people listen to you… then you have to wear a mask.”

Ask Fauci.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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