Biden Spends First Day Cleaning Up

Funny story written by Monkey Woods

Thursday, 21 January 2021

image for Biden Spends First Day Cleaning Up
Biden negotiates his first day with ease

He may not have been in office very long, but, in today's rough-and-tumble environment of political shenanigans, where things move quickly, truth has become 'optional', and the victor is often the person who doles out the best nicknames, Joe Biden is going to have his hands full.

And it might only be one day into Mr. Biden's presidency, but it's never too early to make an assessment of his work.

We at thought it would be timely to assess the new president's performance thus far.

Firstly, Mr. Biden will, forever, hold a special place in people's hearts for getting rid of the previous White House incumbent, whose name is on the tip of my tongue. Biden is seen as the opposite to that man: cool, calm, collected, you might even say 'composed', whereas the 'other guy' was uncool, anti-calm, not collected, and decomposed.

Also, he lied a lot.

President Biden's first task this morning after he'd finished eating a bowl of muesli and milk, washed down with some coffee like a normal human being instead of having a Big Mac and fries, was to put right all his predecessor's clumsy mistakes.

The erstwhile retarded thinking on immigration, climate change, race, inequality, and the Coronavirus all came under severe scrutiny, and will be overturned in the coming days, as if the former president, himself, were being thrown under the wheels of a bus.

In a fitting end to his first day as POTUS, Mr. Biden had a hot cup of cocoa, brushed his teeth, had a shower and went to bed - without accessing Twitter - falling into peaceful repose soon after.

He seems to be quite reasonable, whereas much of what Donald Trump did and said was treasonable.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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