Melania Trump Says She Thinks Her Pet Parrot May Have C-19

Funny story written by Fannin Fabriano

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

image for Melania Trump Says She Thinks Her Pet Parrot May Have C-19
Melania recently told her BFF Meghan Markle that although she is 49, at times she feels like she's 69.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The first lady reportedly told her pedicurist, Mr. Mimosa, that she is afraid that the White House parrot, Crackers, may have the C-19 flu virus.

Mrs. Trump informed her personal secret service agent Max Goobitosi that, when she took the towel off of the cage to feed Crackers, he was coughing and shaking so much that he actually lost about 13 feathers.

She said that Crackers was slurring his words, and he kept saying that he wanted a cigarette and a girl parrot.

Melania told Barron to run and get his daddy. Barron took off jumping over the statue of Danny DeVito and he found his dad eating two Big Macs in the kitchen.

When the president entered the room, the parrot suddenly started barking like a pit bull and yelling X-Rated expletives that cannot be repeated here.

Mrs. Trump has mentioned in the past that Crackers knows about 310 words and phrases including “I’m hungry”, “I need a cigarette”, and “Hubba-hubba kiss me Ivanka”.

The White House physician, Dr. Yang Fu Fi, took Cracker’s temperature and it was 98.6. But he will be placed in self-isolation as a precaution to make sure he doesn’t infect Barron’s pet woodchuck, Woody.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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