Faith Healing Rebrands as Holistic Health Remedy

Funny story written by Chrissy Benson

Sunday, 15 September 2019

image for Faith Healing Rebrands as Holistic Health Remedy
The medical effectiveness of the holistic health remedy of prayer rivals even that of the laying of hands.

Turning around a near-century-long slump in new customer acquisitions, proponents of healing via faith, prayer, and the laying of hands have successfully rebranded their variety of spiritual ministration as a holistic health remedy.

"There's no reason miracles shouldn't be mainstream," said holistic health practitioner Reverend Lucas Wilson-Jones, who offers alternative medicinal treatment in a community setting every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m. at Master Hands Christian Church in Nashville, Tennessee. "People no longer have to be limited by science. We empower them to demand more."

Wilson-Jones emphasized, too, that his prayer remedy is not only holistic, but holy. "And it works," he said. "Ask anyone."

With the increase in demand forĀ faith-based holistic health remedies, of course, has also come a regrettable increase in cost.

"They're still totally free," said Wilson-Jones. "But we've rebranded tithing to mean twenty percent of income. We think that's fair."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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