There were raised eyebrows and a few red faces in a major city center this morning, when a woman knelt provocatively in a shop window with her legs wide open, causing several men to become aroused.
The woman was an employee of a well-known lingerie company, and was advertising a new line of sexy underwear which, it had been thought, might prove popular with customers.
It certainly proved popular with window-shoppers!
Shop model, Tonya Dickins, appeared in the window around 11am, and immediately struck a suggestive pose. Wearing a white vest with blue trim, and powder-blue panties, she heaved and writhed around until she started to attract the attentions of several passers-by.
A group of red-blooded Alpha-males quickly gathered in front of the shop, and, as more and more people clamored for a look at what was going on, there was a surge, and bodies were pushed up against the window. Tonya, 26, pouted, panted, and pulled her vest a little lower, sending the crowd wild with delight.
The crush became so intense, that the huge plate-glass window eventually gave way, and frenzied males poured into the shop by 'the wrong entrance'. Tonya made her escape in the nick of time, scurrying inside the shop.
Sales of the underwear were said to be "going well" this afternoon.