Trump Threatens That If He Goes, He's Taking the Economy With Him

Funny story written by Al N.

Saturday, 25 August 2018

image for Trump Threatens That If He Goes, He's Taking the Economy With Him
Trump's militia is ready to go.

Mar-A-Lago, FL aka The Executive Mansion Sarah Huckster Sanders released a statement from Donald Trump warning that the good economy we are having is only going to continue if Trump is President. If anything happens to him, the whole economy is going to go down the tubes.

Trump also wanted to remind everyone that if by some fluke the economy DOES go into a downward trend, it is no doubt the fault of Obama and Crooked Hillary.

Once Trump's followers heard this, they formed a militia, with the NRA as their sponsor, to be on the lookout for dissenters from the party line.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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