How A Pardoned Trump Will Stay On As President

Funny story written by Ralph E. Shaffer

Saturday, 25 August 2018

The White House. Those usually unreliable but sometimes accurate sources in the West Wing announced today that secret meetings between President Donald Trump and Vice president Mike Pence have cleared the way for Trump to weather the storm of controversy involved in hush money payments and campaign finance violations that seemed destined to remove him from office.

Under the plan the two negotiated, Trump will write a letter indicating a need for a temporary absence from the presidency due to an as yet unspecified medical condition.

This would permit Pence to temporarily assume power as Acting President under the 25th amendment. In that capacity, he would immediately grant Trump a Gerald Ford-type pardon, under which Ford pardoned Richard Nixon for any and all crimes, preventing his prosecution.

Shortly thereafter, Trump would write a second letter in which he indicated he was now ready to resume the office of president, at which time Pence would return to his ceremonial post as Veep.

Constitutional scholars Erwin Chemerinsky and Laurence Tribe declined to comment on the scheme until they have more details.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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