™ outsources Whitehouse Policy to Fox and Friends

Funny story written by Gringo Lobos

Tuesday, 28 November 2017

image for™ outsources Whitehouse Policy to Fox and Friends
Official Presidential photo to head up all policy social media polls

After much derision against™ rampant toxic outbursts at the 3am bewitching hour, the Whitehouse have decided to outsource all further Twitter Twatter outbursts to Murdoch.

Murdoch made the announcement along side™ at the Rose Garden saying this would begin a new ear of media/government cooperation. Murdoch will define US policy and then broadcast it to the fan base then rate the social media feedback. If necessary they will tweek it then send it off to™ to sign into law. This way we can reduce the size policy branches in the federal bureaucracy by 80% they claimed.

Suckerbee boasted that after the success of the Guam strike that™ really opened his eyes to how taking media talk shows instead of boring national security briefings unclogs the bureaucracy and gets fast results.

Fox and Friends will open the input to the president fan base by allowing them to weigh current policy issues on social media polls. Their first poll planned is whether™ should take out a contract hit on Obama. Producers said they wanted to keep the topic light and entertaining whilst still getting lots of red meat thrown into the animal enclosure.

Industry Analysts say it makes sense as™ really only paraphrases or copies their media fluffy spin now anyway. This will keep the typos from copying down to a minimum and hopefully be a settling effect on a sometimes turbulent administration.

However some constitutional lawyers are making noise about the fact that nobody actually elected Murdoch and shouldn't the elected officials be making policy? However this was quickly dismissed as fake news.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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