Trump Announces He Will Resign and Join Church of Scamatology

Funny story written by Al N.

Saturday, 18 November 2017

image for Trump Announces He Will Resign and Join Church of Scamatology
Trump admitted in private that he wants to become a famous religious leader now, since he'd already been President.

Trump Tower, NY President Trump stunned the nation today when he announced that he was resigning the Presidency to join the Church of Scamatology.

"I was just walking down the street and this scruffy child came up to me and handed me a flyer. It was for a free personality test at the borg down the street. I saw that Star Trek movie with the Borg and wanted to find out more" spoke the President.

"Once I got there, I found out they had said "org," short for organization. So we all had a good laugh and I started looking around. I saw some movies and looked at some exhibits. Long story short, I'm devoting my life to going up the Bridge and will no longer be able to execute the duties of my office of President" said Trump.

The room was at first silent, and then a cheer erupted that lasted long into the night.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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