Tight Race for "The Madman of the Year".

Funny story written by Babaloo

Saturday, 25 November 2017

Who is this year's winner of the famous "The Madman of The Year" competition?

The organisation called "Politically Incorrect Psychiatrist" (PIP), is a group of experts from around the world, who recognise and award distinguished individuals in the field of mental disorders, insanity, and stark raving madness.

"It's tough this year", confirmed PIP spokesperson. "We had to look at many fine women and men who demonstrated profound levels of lunacy. As you might have guessed, politicians, celebrities, and few "spiritual" leaders are shortlisted".

"Let's say that you are nobody in some small unimportant country, spending your leisure time torturing animals and threatening your neighbours. By all means, apply, just don't raise your hopes too high. Your actions don't have world-wide consequences".

"Our focus was on madmen and madwomen in the position of power. Kim Jong Un was leading for most of the year, followed by Donald Trump, Bashar El Assad, Vladimir Putin, Theresa May and few others".
"I am not at liberty to tell you who is leading at the moment. PIP will publish results on the Christmas day, though I can give you a hint. The favourite is an insecure and spoiled child in a body of a grown man who seeks admiration and envy".

"This person is obsessed with words like "huge", "great" and "winning", although nothing about him even remotely resembles such features of a character. He also happens to be a leader of one of the most powerful countries on Earth"

"The PIP will continue to monitor world affairs in a hope of finding interesting candidates for the final month of the competition. We wish everyone good luck".

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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