Medical Doctors are reporting a huge upsurge in active service personnel seeking psychological treatment for PTSSD (Post Trump Speech Stress Disorder) after™ Thanksgiving Speech for the Troops.
Doctors say they have not seen a surge of trauma cases like this since the Vietnam War and they are truly shocked at both the human cost and the moral hit this will give the armed services collectively. Doctors say the symptoms range from blood and sweat nightmares to flashbacks in the supermarket queue and even some voters remorse.
Some personnel who attended the broadcasts first hand were said to be so nauseous they had to run from the room to be sick in the toilets. Others visibly shocked were unable to move unassisted and required MediVac extraction. Commentators said that if™ can do this with words to the toughest group in America imagine the psychological damage he is doing to the softer masses.
Bareface liar Suckerbee said that the troops had really rallied to the Presidents call for unity and many army base commanders had personally called™ to thank him for what they called the most seminal of moral boosting speeches for any army in the history of the whole world. However when challenged they were unable to name any of these commanders and simply referred to them as they.
Armed Services appropriation committees have been requested to push through an emergency PTSSD (Post Trump Speech Stress Disorder) funding for the many seeking help. They are seeking $40 billion for anti-psychotic medication and carer service dogs. Sadly for the US there has also been a 1,000 fold increase in personnel looking for early retirement after the motivation speech and many who were due to resign soon have started a Never Serve for™ Again PAC
Armed Services Generals always on the look out for a strategic advantage are considering that™ should give his next motivational speech to Russia and North Korean troops. They will then mop up the probable surge in defectors with the CIA spy harvester program.