Accounting Firm Closed Permanently After Total Solar Eclipse

Funny story written by Mike Peril

Monday, 21 August 2017

image for Accounting Firm Closed Permanently After Total Solar Eclipse

Columbia, SC - All of the employees of a local accounting firm filed for disability yesterday after attending a firm sponsored "total solar eclipse" reception. With all of the employees now on disability, the firm was forced to shut its doors.

The employees ignored warnings that the eclipse could damage their eyesight, and within a few hours after staring at the eclipse, each of the employees became blind.

The firm's Managing Partner tweeted, "We are closing the firm early. As in permanently. Eclipse boring. But we are all blind."

In an attempt to keep costs down, the accounting firm had cut solar eclipse glasses from the 2017 budget, at a savings of $9.99 for 100 glasses. The firm regrets the accounting oversight and admits that better internal controls would have prevented the problem.

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