On Wednesday night, democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton used her time during the Commander-in-Chief Forum to talk about, among other things, national security, and how to confront ISIS, veteran's suicide, rape in the military, and taking better care of our veterans.
But Rence Prebis, Chair of the Republican National Committee said that Secretary Clinton's demeanor was too stern and that she should have smiled much more during the forum.
Prebis said that "When my wife cleans my house, cooks my dinner, takes out the trash, does all of the gardening, scrubs out the vegetable bins at the bottom of the fridge, finds things for me when I lose them, and all of that, I insist that she be cheerful, smile and grin, and be sure to laugh once in a while. She has no trouble doing that."
"It makes her attractive and desirable. It's just a question of standing by your man, which my wife does so well. Speaking of that, it's just too cute that Hillary wants to fill Bill's shoes and be President. The fact is that she should be tending to them when she straightens out the closet.