BILLINGSGATE POST: La Toya Jackson, still pissed because she was dumped by Trump on All Star Celebrity Apprentice, told Rachel Maddow on MSNBC that Trump's hairdo was actually composed of one hair that is 600 feet long, wound and curled to cover his nearly bald pate.
Who doesn't appreciate the executive know-how and decision making that come from telling La Toya Jackson "you're fired" in that fateful episode back in 2013?
The day after she was canned she appeared on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, Jackson expounded upon her line of thought in the boardroom.
"There is so much pressure, especially when you're about to be fired, and your mind is spinning...You don't know who is on your side at that moment. They're all sitting there quiet, afraid to express their feelings in case that person snaps at them."
"I kept saying, if he fires me tonight, I'm going to get that bastard if it takes me a hundred years."
This past Wednesday night, La Toya paid him back in Trumps. She told the preening, ever-smirking turtle necked Maddow that The Donald's make-up artist revealed to her a photo of Trump with his one, 600 foot long hair before it was wound-up and curled to cover his otherwise bald head.
NOTE: It's true. You just can't make this shit up.